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La documentazione digitale per la comunicazione del Patrimonio Culturale: il caso dell’Eremo delle Carceri ad Assisi


Anastasia Cottini

DIDA - Dipartimento di Architettura - University of Florence


Dialoghi | Dialogues. Visioni e visualità | Visions and visuality. Proceedings of UID Conference 2022. Genova 2022


The article presents the results obtained and discussed as part of a thesis focused on digital documentation and communication related to the Eremo delle Carceri, an Umbrian convent of the Franciscan Observance. The research is carried out in the context of the European project F-ATLAS, whose objectives include the documentation of the material and intangible heritage of the Franciscan Observance in Europe and the creation of paths aimed at the redevelopment and enjoyment of this Cultural Heritage. For the project, the study of historical and archival sources and the use of integrated digital methodologies for survey and representation play a crucial role. In particular, the article focuses on the possibilities offered by digital documentation to create a portal that can be accessed locally and remotely, synthesising information of various kinds related to the convent and making them available intuitively to users.

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FrAnciscan landscapes: the observance between iTaLy, portugAl and Spain


The JPI Cultural Heritage project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 6995237.

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