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Convento Nossa Senhora da Ínsua

relevance for the project

It needs restoration works, it is relevant for architectural and environmental issues.
It will be soon transformed in a resort.


The convent of Santa Maria da Ínsua was founded in 1392 by a group of Franciscan Observants, coming from the Spanish Galicia. It originated by an oratory founded at that time by Frei Diogo Árias on the site of a pagan temple previously dedicated to Saturn. Historical, social and economic factors led to a continuous expansion of the conventual structure, so that, in the mid-17th century it was surrounded by a fortress. Franciscans were forced to leave the convent in 1834, due to the Portuguese dissolution of the religious orders. The whole complex was managed by the Ministry of War until the last decade of that century, when it passed to the Navy Ministry. Despite the fortress and the convent have been classified as National Monument in 1910, important movable assets have been lost, most of all since the 1940’s. The worsening situation led to the building’s complete state of abandonment, still evident in the recent photographic survey. Since 2000, public access to the interior of the fort has been prohibited. In 2016, the fortress and the convent were included in the list of properties to be leased by the Portuguese state to private individuals, through the Revive program, with the aim of its conversion for touristic purposes. The selected project foresees the installation of a lodging establishment (equivalent to a four-star hotel). The adaptation work of the built construction is due to start soon. For this reason, the digital documentation is an opportunity to record the physical evidence state before these works.


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Caminha, Norte, Portugal

-8.874589, 41.859214


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